
What is Medicare?

Medicare is the federal government’s health insurance program that primarily covers people 65 and older and certain younger people with disabilities or kidney failure.

Original Medicare does not cover all medical costs. Medicare Advantage plans stand in the place of Original Medicare or you may opt to stay with Original Medicare and purchase a Medicare Supplement policy.

Healthcare in retirement may cost more than you think!

Estimated cost for health care post-age 65? Try $295,000 per couple in assets needed today.

For most Americans, health care is expected to be one of your largest expenses in retirement, after housing and transportation costs. But unlike your parents' generation, you won't likely have access to employer or union sponsored retiree health benefits. So, health care costs will likely consume a larger portion of your retirement budget—and you need to plan for that.

It is important to carefully consider your healthcare options, including Medicare, when planning for retirement. By maximizing your benefits and using a protection strategy to help protect your retirement, you can make sure you’re prepared to better manage your healthcare costs in retirement.

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